Nobody likes it when that unwanted pimple shows up on your face. Did you know there are foods that you can be eating to help control acne breakouts? We’ve put together a list to incorporate into your diets that help.
Fruits and vegetables
People who have eating habits that are rich in fruits and vegetables like yams and
greens and low in refined foods like white sugar and white flour, which can cause
hormones to spike, find that acne breakouts are less likely to occur.
Brazil nuts
Brazil nuts are rich in selenium, a powerful antioxidant that appears to help improve
acne by protecting cells from inflammatory damage and preserving skin’s elasticity.
Selenium works particularly well when it’s accompanied by vitamins E and A, so eat
your Brazil nuts with some almonds and perhaps some red bell peppers.
One Brazil nut delivers a full day’s supply. Other foods rich in selenium are meats,
fish, poultry, onions, garlic and whole grains.
Oysters, beans, poultry, fish (and other foods rich in zinc)
No one knows exactly why, but getting enough zinc appears to help put the brakes
on breakouts. It may be that zinc helps to control the release of male hormones that
kick-start acne. Zinc also helps the body absorb vitamin A, another important
nutrient for healthy skin.
Salmon, flaxseed (and other foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids)
Omega-3 fatty acids help keep inflammation at bay and may help keep acne under
control. Fatty fish like salmon, sardines, and mackerel all boast omega-3 fatty acids,
as do flaxseed and walnuts.
Sweet potatoes, carrots, cantaloupe, bell peppers (and other foods rich in beta-
Beta-carotene (found in many orange-, yellow-, and red-hued fruits and vegetables)
converts in the body to vitamin A, another of the nutrients that helps to enhance
selenium’s benefits to skin.
Oranges, tomatoes, melons (and other foods rich in vitamin C)
These juicy vitamin C bombs won’t cure you of breakouts, but because the vitamin
strengthens cell walls, it can help protect your skin from scarring that blemishes can
cause. Bioflavonoids, which often come from a C source (such as the white rind
inside citrus fruits), also act as natural anti-inflammatories that can enhance the
healing action of vitamin C.
Almonds, eggs, leafy green vegetables (and other foods rich in vitamin E)
The antioxidant vitamin E helps skin heal from damage and scarring caused by acne.
It’s not easy to get a lot of E from a low-fat diet, but unrefined (minimally processed)
vegetable oils, nuts, and whole grains are good sources.
Off the menu
Sugars: You may have already suspected that sugar is related to breakouts.
High-glycemic foods: These are food that break down quickly in the body, triggering
an insulin spike and raising blood sugar levels. They trigger hormonal fluctuations
and inflammation – both which encourage acne. These are foods like white bread,
processed breakfast cereals, white rice, pretzles, crisps, cookies, cakes etc.
Junk Food: For the same reason above – they cause hormonal fluctuations and
blood sugar levels to spike. These are on the ‘to be avoided’ list of foods if you are
wanting to keep your skin clear.
Fast Food: Greasy fast food creates inflammation in the body, which can lead to
pimples, so if you’re going to a fast-food restaurant, choose the salads or yogurt.
Looking for more information on how you can make simple lifestyle changes to improve your health and wellbeing? Have a browse of our other blogs.