
What are the best Terpenes for happiness?

This is a broad and interesting question to answer.

In order to do it enough justice, we first need to define what happiness is for you.

What result are you looking for through the use of terpenes that when achieved will bring you happiness?

The answer is different for everyone and is heavily dependant on your situation.

Are you looking for better quality sleep at night?

Are you looking to manage your mood, stress, and/or anxiety levels?

Are you looking to manage your energy levels?

Those are but only three example situations that could bring happiness if matched with the right terpene blend.

Botanists estimate there are between 20,000 to 30,000 different terpenes known to man.

And, depending on how you blend them, you could produce address different situations.

Henceforth, happiness via terpenes comes down to what outcome you seek to achieve.

Since we’ve given you four example situations to consider, it is only fair we look into the best terpenes for those respective situations.

What are the best terpenes for stress, anxiety and mood regulation?

Many people across the globe struggle with stress and anxiety, which negatively impacts their overall mood.

And, living in a post-pandemic world doesn’t make life easier for anyone.

The most common terpenes linked to helping manage one’s stress, anxiety, and mood levels are the following:

  • Myrcene
  • Limonene
  • Beta-Caryophyllene
  • Linalool

Each of these terpenes are abundant in nature and can be found in various expressions of the botanical kingdom.

Examples of their natural habitat include but are not limited to:

  • Thyme, mango, lemon grass, cardamom, and hops for Myrcene
  • Lemon, orange and other citrus fruits, spruce, and various pines for Limonene
  • Basil, cloves, basil, oregano, black pepper, lavender, cinnamon, and rosemary for Beta-Caryophyllene
  • Coriander, sweet orange flowers, lavender, sweet basil, cinnamon, and rosewood for Linalool

Each of the above terpenes have been linked to helping manage stress, anxiety, and mood levels.

The known effects for the each terpene listed above is as follows:

  • Myrcene: calming and relaxing effects 
  • Limonene: uplifting and mood regulating effects
  • Beta-Caryophyllene: calming and relaxing effects
  • Linalool: calming and relaxing effects

If your happiness is linked to managing your stress and anxiety levels then the above terpenes have a strong potential of working for you.

What are the best terpenes for sleep?

Getting a good nights sleep is a big problem for many people.

Did you that up to 48% of adults struggle with some form of sleep disorder?

Luckily though, there’s a range of terpene’s that will help you have a good nights sleep.

And, if you can have quality sleep most nights than not, then you’ll have happiness.

The terpenes linked to helping with sleep and their sources include:

  • Terpinolene; found in cardamom and marjoram oils 
  • Myrcene; found in thyme, mango, lemon grass, cardamom, and hops
  • Carophyllene; found in basil, cloves, basil, oregano, black pepper, lavender, cinnamon, and rosemary
  • Pinene; found in coniferous trees, pine, rosemary, basil, and cumin
  • Linalool; found in lavender, mint, cinnamon, coriander, and birch bark

Each of the above terpenes have been linked to helping with sleep.

The known effects for the each terpene listed above is as follows:

  • Myrcene: calming and relaxing effects 
  • Pinene: memory-supporting effects
  • Caryophyllene: calming and relaxing effects
  • Linalool: calming and relaxing effects
  • Terpinolene: mild sedating effects

If happiness for you is linked to getting better sleep, then the above terpenes have a strong potential of working for you.

What are the best terpenes for energy?

Who wouldn’t love a little bit more energy in the day?

As we now live in an on-demand world, more is demanded out of us each day.

Whether is work, family, or both, we need energy to help us get through the day.

The good news is that terpenes may be able to help manage your energy levels throughout the day.

The best terpenes associated with helping manage energy levels are below:

  • Pinene; cognitive function and memory improvement effects, increase focus and alertness increase effects, and anxiety reduction effects
  • Limonene; mood elevation and stress relief effects, and energy level increase effects
  • Caryophyllene; mood and focus enhancing effects

If happiness for you is linked to having more energy in the day, then the above terpenes have a strong potential of working for you.

In closing…

There are a lot more scenario’s we could cover because happiness carries a different meaning depending in the individual.

What makes you happy is necessarily what makes someone else happy.

And, of course, you don’t want to read all the different scenarios terpenes could help bring happiness to.

We could be here for eternity if that were to happen.

Besides, what you want is to get to feeling happy as soon as possible with the help of terpenes.

Hopefully, one of the scenarios covered gave you the answer you were looking for.

If there is a scenario you’d like us to cover in the future, let us know in the comment section below.
